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La Mulateada 라 물라떼아다 (Carlos Di Sarli), Bunch of mulattoes(뮬라토의 무리), 흑인과 백인사이에 난 혼혈아 [salango 사랑고 - 사당 강남 아르헨티나탱고]





(공연에 나오는 곡은 sexteto milonguero 라는 팀이 리메이크한 버젼임)


La Mulateada - Alta Gama - Alberto Podestá y Las Bordonas




Están de fiesta, en la calle larga
Los mazorqueros de Monserrat,
Y entre las luces de las antorchas
Bailan los negros de La Piedad.
Se enlaza Pancho, rey del candombe
Con la mulata más Federal,
Y en los cuarteles de la Recova
Sueña el mulato sentimental.


Baila mulata linda
Bajo la luna llena,
Que al chi qui chi, del chinesco
Canta el negro del tambor.
Baila mulata linda
De la divisa roja,
Que están mirando los ojos
De nuestro Restaurador.

Ya esta servida la mazamorra
Y el chocolate tradicional,
Y el favorito plato de locro
Que ha preparado un buen Federal.
Y al son alegre de tamboriles
Los novios van a la Concepción,
Y al paso brinda la mulateada
Por la más santa Federación.

They’re celebrating on the long street
The mazorqueros of Montserrat,
And among the lights of torches
The La Piedad black folks are dancing .
Pancho, king of candombe binds
With the most Federal mulatto girl,
And in the barracks of the Recova
The sentimental mulatto dreams.


Dance pretty mulatto girl
Under the full moon,
With the chi qui chi, of the chinesco
Sings the black man with the drum.
Dance pretty mulatto girl
wearing the red emblem,
That they’re looking the eyes
From our Restaurador.

The porridge is ready
And the traditional chocolate,
And the favorite dish of locro
That has prepared a good Federal.
And to the happy son the drums
The couple go to the church of the Conception
And as they pass the bunch of mulattoes toast
To the holiest Federation.





[salango 사랑고 - 사당 강남 아르헨티나탱고]



