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La bruja 라 브루하, 마녀(여자나 아내를 부를 때 쓰는 호칭) [salango 사랑고 - 사당 강남 아르헨티나탱고]















Peter and I almost jump off the chair when a tanda of D'Arienzo comes on.  Do you have a favorite "D'Arienzo dancer"?  That is the person who can really 'hit it, don't quit it'....  This one is for Hwayi. 


La bruja                                                                The Witch 
Música: Juan Polito
Letra: Francisco Gorrindo

Ahogando este grito que sube del pecho,          Drowning the scream that rises from my chest,
y llega a los labios cargao de rencor,                and comes to my lips charged with hate,
yo vuelvo a tu lado, atadas las manos,               I arrive at your side with my hands tied,
                                                                                                                  (no choice)
pero pa' decirte que todo acabó,                       to tell you that we're finished--
Que ya no me importa tu risa o tu llanto,            It doesn't matter any more, your laugh or your
que a fuerza 'e coraje vencí al corazón,            cries, I've summoned up the courage to go
y que hoy como nunca mirándote cerca,           against my heart, and today as never before, 
te veo realmente, así como sos.                        as I look at you closely,  
                                                                           I see you as you really are--
La Bruja,                                                             The Witch,
que ayer fuera reina de todo mi ser,                   who yesterday was the queen of my being,
hoy, roto el encanto, no es más que mujer.        today, I broke the spell, she's nothing more
La Bruja,                                                              than a woman.  The Witch, 
montón de caprichos que me esclavizó,             I was a slave in her capricious fantasies,
hoy es un paisaje, cubierto de horror.                which now seem a horrible place.

                                                                            (Not Recorded)
Me vuelvo a la vida sencilla y honrada,               I return to a humble and honorable life,
me vuelvo a un cariño que es noble y leal,         I return to a woman who is noble and loyal,
y puede que un día, curada mi alma,                  and maybe one day, my soul being cured,
a fuerza de hombría levante un hogar.                my responsibility will pay off with a home    
                                                                            of my own.
Entonces, acaso, me habré redimido,                 Then, maybe, I will have redeemed my dignity,
y vos, para entonces, quién sabe si sos,            and you?  Who knows by then...
un cacho de invierno cargado de males,            (a cold bitch who's bitter life
un resto de vida, un poco de tos.                        she must cough out a day at a time.)